whole human summit

whole human summit

what is it?

Whole Human Summit is a unique conference experience. Summit sessions are expert-informed, encouraging, and expowering explorations into the barriers in health, with a focus on solution-building. Our goals are to empower people to create change collectively, to better navigate their health, and to create opportunities for thought leaders to conect and build solutions that remove barriers in health.

what to expect?


Be prepared for active learning, problem solving, real-time case building, brainstorming, creative engagements.

Our mission is for you to leave empowered with knowledge and skills that will enhance your personal and professional health journeys.


They facilitate inclusive, participant-driven  sessions; guiding us on evidence-driven approaches to whole health; identifying barriers in health; sharing tactics and tools for preventing disease and living well; leading interactive solution-building breakouts and including participants in evolved conversations about mental wellbeing, health solutions, and emerging science, and technology.

who’s the summit for?

Celina Caesar-Chavannes Keynote Speaker


  • Anyone seeking evidence-driven health knowledge and to participate in dialogues for solution building.
  • Leaders who are creating positive impacts in health and wellbeing, health research, communications, policy, and technology.
  • We value inclusivity and have created a scholarship fund through ‘pay-it-forward’ donations so that people who may not be able to attend due to financial barriers are able to access and participate in Summit events.
  • We encourage anyone experiencing a barrier to access our in-person or virtual experiences to contact us ahead of time, so that we may find a way to accommodate your participation.

Manager, Indigenous Services Canada

A very informative discussion and I learned many new ideas! I like that you opened it up to more than just health professionals and that there was a diverse group. Jay was a great moderator and the panel did great at summarizing their perspectives

PhD Science & Health Consultant

Part of what made this particular Summit meeting so successful was the combination of vulnerability from the presenter/moderator, as well as the participants. A safe community was created in a very short period of time.

Emergency Physician

Exceeded my expectations for being an online experience. The quality and skilled facilitators made a huge positive difference. Well done.

Nonprofit Leader

“Enlightened , lovely speakers, Eman is a bright and lively facilitator. Great job.

Community and Environmental Activist

Thank you CLEAR deliveries. Learned many other initiatives, FELT INCLUDED _ HONOURED entire learning experience.

August 23 – November 8

Register to view recorded sessions until November 30

whole human summit virtual series 2020

Explore our 2020 Summit faculty, topics, and partners

Explore our 2019 Summit faculty, topics, and partners

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