working with community to build solutions

working with the community to build solutions

our projects

youth mentorship, training and skills building program

Whole Human Foundation has developed a pilot mentorship,  training, and skills building program for youth 16 – 29. The goals of the program are to uplift and engage youth in community-driven projects in alignment with the UN SDGs and to equip youth with skills they can bring to the workforce as they develop their career and transition from their studies. In 2020-2021 we launched a pilot program with students from the University of British Columbia and Fraser Valley India, where students have experienced working as a team on developing a Youth Summit and an accompanying Summit event app. To learn more, volunteer, and/or help fund the development of this program, please reach out to us to learn more.

food security in immigrant & First Nations communities project

In partnership with the 22 Million Strong Initiative, lead by Whole Human Summit 2020 Faculty Nicolette Richer, Whole Human Foundation is supporting research studies to better understand food insecurity in communities across British Columbia and Canada.  Our project is aligned with the Good Health and Wellbeing sustainability objective (UN SDG #3) and will engage immigrant and First Nations communities to further understand barriers they may face as we develop future programs to address their health and wellness needs.

The aim of this research is to assess international student and First Nations communities’ overall experience and issues related to food patterns in Canada resulting from relocation. International students have been steadily on the rise in Canada and few studies have investigated their health and overall well being related to eating habits specifically. International students and First Nations communities are subject to dietary acculturation and may adapt to the Western diet which may negatively impact their health and wellbeing. Through survey/questionnaire and select in-person interviews, eating habits before and after relocation will be assessed. To get involved and/or help to fund our project please reach out to us to learn more.

inter-generational community gardens project

To address loneliness and ageism, celebrate diversity, and support healthy aging, we are working with community leaders and community members to engage people of all generations in gardening and to use technology to accomplish that goal. Our intergenerational community gardens project is designed to bridge the gap between generations, and to spark new connections in an innovative way.

Our vision is to bring diverse seniors and youth together, both in person and virtually, in planning, creating, tending, and harvesting vegetable gardens that are located at multiple sites in the community in accessible areas in raised beds. Using technology will generate excitement for youth and increase engagement. For seniors, the outcome will be an increased  technology skillset and reduced isolation.

partner with us

In alignment with the UN Global Goal #17 for Sustainment, we focus on the delivery of intentional Partnerships for the Goals. As such, we make a conscious effort to work with other values-aligned organizations and people to “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”. Learn more about the UN SDGs at

our commitment to equity, diversity, & inclusion

Please read this Diversity Equity & Inclusion 101 deck graciously provided by Summit community member Josh Reid. 

In a committment to anti-racism and anti-hate, we will only provide events and foster partnerships that respect and make possible the diversity of human experience with knowledge exchanged in ways that are accessible and inclusive for everyone.  We are learning and working to create a space, image and opportunities for health and wellness that are inclusive. 

We value inclusivity and have created a scholarship fund through ‘pay-it-forward’ donations so that people who may not be able to attend due to financial barriers are able to access and participate in Summit events.

We encourage anyone experiencing a barrier to access our in-person or virtual experiences to contact us ahead of time, so that we may find a way to accommodate your participation 

If you are experiencing a financial barrier, email us at to apply for our Summit Scholarship Fund to support your  access to Summit sessions. 

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